Minority Report
Set design for 20th Century Fox’s 2002 science fiction movie Minority Report included these textured CNC milled wall panels comprising the “Precog Chamber.” The MAYA-generated pattern of interplaying ripples on the surface of this elliptically shaped space was designed by production designer Alex McDowell. The 3-D geometry was sent to Kreysler & Associates where the shape was segmented, and the panels and support frame fabricated using a multi-axis CNC router. This was K&A’s first all-electronic project done entirely without paper except for the purchase order.
Location: Los Angeles, California
Client Name: 20th Century Fox
Expertise: The 3-D data was then emailed to K&A where the shape was segmented, the support structure design, and the panels and support frame fabricated on a multi-axis CNC router. This was K&A’s first all-electronic project done entirely without paper except for the purchase order from the client.
Partners: Alex McDowell, Designer
“For Minority Report we attempted for the first time in the film to create a complex set directly from a computer-based design. Kreysler was our first choice to translate the computer design data into CNC-cut full-scale panels that made up the full surface of our set. Not only did they help us through each step of this complex process, but they also delivered a package of beautifully manufactured and detailed parts, organized for easy assembly, on time, and at a better price than any alternative. I would not hesitate to work with them again””