Marin Academy Entry

Project Details

The Marin Academy is a private school in San Rafael California. It underwent a major renovation in 2003 where the original stucco entry (28 x 16 stucco façade) was replaced in FRP. The façade included outward facing return flanges around the perimeter which were then fastened to the existing wall before the final stucco was applied. Before demolition, the facade was digitally captured with a LADAR range finding scanner. This process allowed “repairs” to be made to the digital model by copying and pasting intact ornament into areas where that detail was missing. A foam mold was produced on our CNC milling machine and the FRP part was fabricated and shipped to the jobsite in one piece.


  • Location: San Rafael, California

  • Client Name: Marin Academy

  • Expertise: Before demolition of the existing façade, digitally capture in high enough resolution to recreate the original entry archway accurately, using LADAR range finding; design fabrication process; engineer and manufacture replica of the demolished historic arch. Using data, digitally align and recreate symmetry and repair damaged fragments using mirror-image data from the opposite side. Mill urethane foam replica in full-scale from digital data, fabricate FRP female mold and FRP part in one piece for installation to existing new façade structure.

  • Partners:


Concrete Rockwork

